Let’s Talk

Welcome to Let’s Talk, a program designed to encourage and improve our students’ English communication skills. Every week, we will have a designated speaking activity where students can practice speaking in English in a comfortable and supportive environment.

Our goal is to build confidence and fluency in speaking English, so that our students can communicate effectively in both academic and real-world situations. Whether it’s giving a presentation, participating in class discussions, or just having a casual conversation with native speakers, we believe that the skills developed through this program will be invaluable to our students.

I encourage all of our students to actively participate in Let’s Talk, and to take advantage of this opportunity to improve their English communication skills. Let’s work together to make this program a success and help our students achieve their full potential.
Learning English and Pancasila, the national philosophy of Indonesia, are closely related. The ability to communicate in English opens up opportunities for students to expand their understanding of the world and cultures beyond their own.

Additionally, Pancasila values such as “Gotong Royong” (mutual cooperation) and “Kematangan spiritual” (spiritual maturity) can be further developed through the study of English as it requires teamwork and critical thinking skills.
Furthermore, the study of English can also help to promote the value of “Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab” (just and civilized humanity) by facilitating communication and understanding among people from different backgrounds. By learning English, students can not only improve their language proficiency but also become well-rounded individuals who embody the values of Pancasila.
The Lets Talk program this time is led by the school principal Yenny Dwi Maria.

Growth Mindset The Needs of Today’s Education World

Singapore, 2 September 2021


Online workshop session 1 with the theme How to Become a Growth Mindset Coach with the main resource being Mr. Djohan Yoga, an international master trainer, specifically providing knowledge to Indonesian School (Singapore) Ltd (SIS) teachers and PLP Unnes Semarang students. Atdikbud at the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore as well as Plt. Principal, Mrs. Veronica Enda Wulandari, in her speech hoped that this workshop activity could increase the capacity and quality of PLP Unnes teachers and students in their teaching practices so that they could be more successful and get maximum results for students.

Also attending this activity, the Ambassador of the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore, Mr. Suryopratomo, in his remarks said that activities like this are very important initiatives and breakthroughs to increase knowledge for teachers who currently have an irrational number of SIS teachers with the number of classes and students, but SIS teachers are figures who has been very tested in this limitation, the most important Basic in education is at the age from grades 1 to 12 because at that age it is very easy to build character and I think that current SIS graduates are very proud because they can continue at public and private universities both domestically as well as abroad. The teacher spreads and transfers positive energy not negative energy.

The Growth Mindset Workshop by Mr. Djohan Yoga which was attended by the SIS teacher was a special and special module that he gave, because for him the name SIS was very meaningful and special to him. Mr. Djohan Yoga hopes that through this workshop, SIS teachers can complete this training in full up to 12 modules.

Kerjasama SIS Bersama UNNES PPL 2021

Kegiatan Rapat Bersama SIS dan UNNES

Singapura, 9 Juli 2021

Dibuka oleh Atdikbud Singapura/ Plt Kepala sekolah Ibu Veronika Enda Wulandari mengharapkan kerjasama antara Sekolah Indonesia (Singapura) Ltd/ SIS dengan Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) akan memberikan manfaat untuk kedua belah pihak, yakni untuk memberikan pengalaman kepada para mahasiswa terutama pengalaman menggunakan teknologi dalam pembelajaran sekaligus membantu SIS dalam mengisi kekosongan guru tahun ini.

Diucapkan terima kasih kepada bapak dan ibu dosen yang telah menyiapkan peserta PPL. Ibu Enda sapaan akrab Atdikbud Singapura / Plt Kepala Sekolah kepada Bapak Soedjatmiko dan menanyakan kabar di Semarang. Disampaikan bahwa di SIS merupakan sekolah dengan kelas yang kecil sehingga PPL difokuskan untuk kelas-kelas atas. Diharapkan peserta PPL bersedia untuk mengisi hingga 1 semester penuh, tidak off di tengah jalan.

Sambutan dari Bapak Soedjatmiko mengucapkan terima kasih atas kerjasama yang telah terjalin selama ini, diharapkan berlanjut sehingga kedua belah pihak dapat maju bersama. Sudah diadakan seleksi terhadap mahasiswa, terkait dengan kesungguhan, karakter dan kompetensi sehingga muncullah 9 mahasiswa yang layak untuk mengikuti PPL internasional.

Mengenai KKN sudah berkoordinasi dengan kepala pusat KKN. Beliau bersedia merekognisi proses KKN mahasiswa pada hari sabtu dan minggu selama proses PPL. Kita akan kawal mahasiswa dari Juli sd Desember 2021, meskipun diadakan PPL dari tempat masing-masing.
